Principal Dentists​
Dr Andrew Tootell BDS
Dr Richard Brogden BDS (Hons) PgCert

(0114) 2662853

Foundation Training

For most newly qualified dentists, Dental Foundation Training (DFT) in general dental practice is the next step. Dental Foundation Training means a relevant period of employment during which a dentist is employed under a contract of service by an approved Educational Supervisor (ES) to provide a wide range of dental care and treatment and to attend such study days as that contract provides, with the aims and objectives of enhancing clinical and administrative competence and promoting high standards through relevant postgraduate training. Dental Foundation Training is carried out in specially appointed Training Practices. Experienced general dental practitioners who have an ability to teach and help new dentists are appointed as ESs. They employ new dentists as in their Training Practice, and provide the Foundation Dentists (FDs) with a fully equipped surgery, a dental nurse, and patients. The new dentist works in the practice for a maximum of 35 hours per week. The Trainer must be available to provide help and advice, be it chairside or otherwise, and also has to provide a weekly tutorial lasting one hour, during normal working hours.
The Training Practices are attached to a Dental Foundation Training Scheme, and in charge of each Scheme is a Training Pro gramme Director (TPD). Dental Foundation Training lasts for one year, and during this period the FD attends 30 days of Day Release Course (DRC) at the Scheme centre.
Each FD has an on-line e-portfolio, which is used as an educational aid throughout the year. On a regular basis the FD records achievements and concerns, and describes and analyses events that have occurred recently. The ES works with the FD and the Portfolio to produce action plans and regular assessments of development.

Our FDs
Our Foundation Dentists emerge from the training year having gained a wealth of knowledge, support and guidance to ultimately become the confident and able clinicians of tomorrow.